Ameag Internationl Holdings LLC.



Real Estate Project Funding UPCOMING PROJECT



The rate of return on your investment is greater because it’s Real Estate, that keep your funds invested.
Capital structure, and makeup of the project identifies the underlying value and focuses on the balance between funding from investor equities and Bank financing for long-term debt. The project uses funds from multiple sources to acquire the income-producing assets of 30,000,000 million Dollars through Condo sales. Plus 30,000 square feet retail for lease with annual income of 750000 on a rate of 25$ per square +/- management cost
The capital stock A company named 948 Donald lee hollowell LLC will be created for the purpose of investment at that specific address. AMEAG international holding will be the main investment company Provides, Design,Construction management and Real estate Services. Real Estate Investment Company LLC We will establish a (real estate investment company) That allow individual investors to buy shares in this commercial real estate portfolio enabling our investors to receive income from the project.
The money that you will receive as an equity Investor partner along with the bank will be earning from the lofts, appartment and generated income from the retail section of this mix use building
Total Long-term Bank debt = $3,600,000 Stockholder equities = $3,600,000 Total Long-term debt to Equities ratio = Total Long-term liabilities / Stockholders equities = $3,600,000-15000000 = $11,400,000 (short term line of credit
That will be done by Hiring a Project Executives Architectural ,Civil , management team with a consulting Group to review the work done. Fractional ownership in this project. All of the shares into which ownership of this project is provided, is held by the REIT and will be divided among shareholders This entitles the stockholder to that fraction of the; The Real Estate Investment LLC earnings and assets on this project. This Return on Investment, for shareholders will be divided up in proportion to the amount of money each stockholder has invested. This leverage provides owners with higher profitability and a Higher Return on Investment (or return on equity shares). The gearing ratio debt to equity, measurement and proportion of the projects Bank funds to its equity shareholders is structured to boost profits. Capital from the company’s owners and shareholders /investors comprise the greater Capital structure, of equities. The steady revenue stream, for investors are created from Condo sales and the retail section of this Mix use project. The earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) has a high profit that includes (operating and non-operating) expenses. The fundamental earnings potential of this project shows high earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) and EBIT), which shows the projects optimal use of Bank debt & equity financing .
Capital Structure Using funds from different sources The capital structure enables overall operations and growth the working capital requirements is also part of the capital structure. The projects Bank Debt comes in the form of a long-term note payable, while shareholders equity will be classified as common stock, or preferred stock. The project’s retained earnings. Short-term debt such as working capital requirements is part of the capital structure.
Basics of Shareholder Dividend  distribution will be awarded from a portion of company’s earnings and will be paid to a class of its shareholders. Dividends are decided and managed by the company. Dividends can be issued as cash payments, from shares of stock. Dividend reward paid to the shareholders for their investment in the company’s equity, will originate from the company’s net profits. While a portion of the profits is kept within the company as retained earnings, , the remainder can be allocated to the shareholders as a dividend. 30 million Dollars through Condo sales. Or worst-case scenario 50% sales and lease the rest will cover up the cost. Debt-to-Equity Ratio as a Measure of Capital Structure The Capital Structure is a mixture of common equity and preferred equity along with the Bank Debt in the form of a long-term note. This debt-to-equity (D/E) ratio, which provides tax advantages, Interest payments are tax deductible. The equity for shareholders represents a claim on the future earnings of the company as part ownership. Both debt and equity of the project can be found on the balance sheet. The project’s assets on the balance sheet are purchased with this debt and equity. The optimal mix of debt and equity, is the optimal capital structure. of the project.
The contribution margin is computed as the selling price per unit, minus the variable cost per unit. Which is the dollar contribution per unit, this measure indicates how the Condo Sales contributes to the overall profit of the project. It provides a way to show the profit potential of the project offered by AMEAG International and shows the portions of sales that come from Condominium sales. Condos $250,000- 450,000 based on market prices and square footage Rendring of the proposed condos

Ameag International Holdings LLC.
2221 Peachtree street NW Atlanta Georgia 30309 suit 130.
CEO. Eng. Mohsen Sarhan.


AMEAG is an investor company on their own,buying Bank owned, Foreclosure, Multifamily and Commercial Properties, Renovate or lease it then put it back onto the market after getting the Cap rate initialized and the value of the property recovered.

AMEAG accepting a silent partners as investor with a Full consultation by taking advantage of the founders experience in Construction, Real Estate, Networking and Language skills for all the silent partners to jointly benefit from the financial growth and to increase their annual revenue.
All ongoing procedures are legally supervised by Real Estate Commissioners in Georgia (GA).
We have hundreds of referrals allowing for 10 years of work in the United States.
This is the time to build your wealth from Real Estate deals rather than investing in fraudulent financial institutions.
We are not a Stock Broker or Money Laundering Company. We are Real Investors and Investor supporters. We make it our business to support our economy to be recovered and get back on it’s feet.

Our promises are Real.

We know the market and the best time always to invest in Real Estate is when the market is weak, prices are low but demand is unrestrained. This is a sure way to pursue our aspiration and make money together.
Please do not hesitate to contact me or visit my office.There we will be able to discuss, how together we will make it happen.

We are definitely one of the  best choices to manage your business in the: USA, China and Egypt or any Arabic speaking or North African Country. Please consult us for any of your investment needs

USA:    + 1 678 491 4658/+1 201 mosajet / 770-666-7762,  China, Egypt: , skype:mosajet

or visit for home buying

File May 24, 8 07 45 PM

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